…and spinach! This is my scrumptious Spinach Soup Recipe. It is simple, flavorful and nutritious. Please tell me how yours tastes once you have made this recipe your own!
2 large bunches of baby spinach optional: cavelo nero and kale – follow 2/3 spinach, 1/3 cavelo nero and kale combination
2 large red onions, peeled 1/2 head of garlic cloves, peeled vegetable bullion (2 large Tbsp) handful parsley sea salt (to taste) quality olive oil approx 2 liters water your favorite nuts/herbs
I cut everything up rough to begin. Heat large pan or soup pot with olive oil and sauté onions, garlic and sea salt until transparent. Add in all greens, with water and bullion. Bring to a boil, then simmer. As soon as greens have wilted and turn bright green, blend together (I use a Vitamix) for approx 30 seconds. Put into soup pot and simmer on low until ready to eat.
I garnish with red chili pepper, parsley, nuts and coriander with nutritional yeast flakes, but find out what flavors you love most!