We are body, mind, soul, community and environment.
The practices of yoga that include mindful movement, breathing and meditation, are designed to ground us to the present moment while expanding our awareness. These tools to teach us to become efficient, adapatable and steady, even and especially during times of change.
Sometimes people believe they cannot 'do' yoga, because they didn't start when they were young, or aren't flexible enough. To this, I respond, "Have you ever known anyone too dirty to take a bath?"
The only thing required for yoga is to show up. I teach and practice from a place of curiosity and wonder, and meet each student where they are.
I have a special interest in working with people through the positive aging process, in recovery from illness, injury and/or medical intervention, and those who are interested in deepening their own inner relationship through mindful movement.
Support, Encourage, Stretch.
I am inspired by the spark of an inquisitive mind. I light up when I encounter people as eager to explore the question 'who am I?' as 'how do I stand on my head?' Whether you start with one question or the other, it all begins in showing up, in being present to the possibility.
My teaching is influenced by several teachers and methods, namely Iyengar and Jivamukti Yoga, of which I have been practicing for over 20 years and hold an Advanced Certification. Rolfing® and Rolf Movement® have also played an important role in how I communicate and explore movement, as Rolfing explores how physical reality is experienced through gravity, and how to create more energetic efficiency.
Finally, the aging process and the experience of illness and recovery have brought daily acceptance to the ever-changing experience of being human.
I support, encourage and empower practitioners in what I call 'stretch' moments --moments when one feels safe enough to emerge in a place slightly outside of the ordinary-- and to never assume there is only one approach to anything in life.
Yoga and Healing.
Yoga as a therapeutic healing modality has been pivotal in my own recovery, and I am passionate about creating a safe space for every body, including the elderly and people experiencing physical and emotional trauma.
I have first-hand knowledge of working with PTSD as well as a comprehensive understanding of anatomy, physiology and psychology of the body. Please let me know if trauma or illness recovery are the points of healing for you prior to booking the session.
Private and Corporate.
I see a limited number of private and corporate yoga/mindful movement classes.
I also deliver back-care and postural workshops, meditation practicums and group wellness coaching to enhance the awareness of body language in a workplace I offer these sessions both over zoom, in person and as a hybrid, and develop bespoke content depending upon your needs
"In every walk with nature, one recieves far more than he seeks."
I created the Yoga Walk after liver transplant surgery in 2013, when, after having 150 staples removed from my abdomen, some aspects of a mat-based yoga practice were not available to me. The one safe thing I could do at the time was walk, and walk I did! Little by little, I began to explore yoga movements under the London plane trees of Hyde Park, and voilà! The Yoga Walk was born. I am proud to say that I've used this method of movement to recover from many surgeries since then, thanks to the freedom of walking in fresh air combined with the adaptation of safe yoga sequences using props found in nature.
What is it, exactly? In person, walks last from 75-90 minutes, and consist of a brisk walk with movements to free up the shoulders, hips and other areas of the body. We use trees, benches and other natural props for short yoga sequences such as lunges and downward dog throughout the walk.
Walks take place locally, in the countryside south of Farnham, and in London.
The following recorded walks are also available via Movement for Modern Life (discount code: LIZZIE20)
> Mindful Yoga Walking: Taking Yoga Outdoors (30 minutes)
Videos on demand.
When you can’t make it to a class yet don’t have the inspiration or know-how to initiate a self-practice, online yoga resources can be a god-send. My friends at Movement for Modern Life have chosen some of the best teachers in the UK to bring a variety of classes to you, from beginning restorative classes to challenging sweaty beasts.
I have over 20 filmed classes on the site, everything from a full 90 minute alignment-based Jivamukti lesson, to short segments focusing on protection and recovery from illness and chair yoga and Mindful Yoga Walking audio lessons. Have a look!